Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Solar powered dryers!

Summer is coming and it's time to take full advantage of free solar power. Let the sun get your whites whiter and feeling truly fresh as a spring day without the toxic frangrances!
This month, choose the challenge that works for you...
1. Hang 100% of your laundry for the month of June
2. Try 50%, either lights or darks
3. More than you do now, even if it's just a few items from every load.

Why bother?

You'll save money (more than $100/year on electric bill for most households)
You'll conserve energy and the environment.
Your clothes last longer. Where do you think lint comes from?
Sunlight bleaches and disinfects
Clothes dryer fires account for about 15,600 structure fires, 15 deaths, and 400 injuries annually. The yearly national fire loss for clothes dryer fires in structures is estimated at $99 million.(U.S)

Send in a comment or idea about you're doing this summer to be green! One reader will win a bag of goodies from the Green Beaver Company.


Anonymous said...

Here are a couple of options for those who can't quit the dryer cold turkey!

Many people usually do more than one load of laundry at a time. Instead of drying each load separately, put them in the dryer together to conserve energy.

If the stiffness from line drying prevents you from going solar, soften up line dried clothes by throwing them in the dryer for 3-5 minutes before folding.

Amy in Pickering

Anonymous said...

Hi Monique,
Let the sun warm your clothes but keep it from heating up your house - pull your blinds or curtains shut on south facing windows when you're not home.
If you have a gas dryer - the clothesline really makes a difference - I started hanging a couple of months ago. Maybe that combined with bbq-ing instead of cooking has really lowered my gas bill.

Anonymous said...

I will attempt 100% line drying for June. I have been line drying everything except socks and underwear that I throw in all together in one load.

I use Ecover's ecological fabric softener for anything that I am line drying. Everything is softer and fresh smelling.

Nicole, Founder - Mututal Tree Hugging Society said...

I am excited to announce that we have purchased and installed a clothes line in our backyard! I haven't been drying everything on it, but am now inspired to do so! I have been using eco-friendly detergent for some time and have had great success with Ecover products. I was also taught by my Mother-in-law to add baking soda to the wash. This allows you to use less detergent, and helps keep whites white!
Drying on the line more often,