Saturday, September 1, 2007

Water the plants with the tap OFF!

The one Drop of Rain Campaign is about easy ways to make the world greener. As I speak with blog readers, I am delighted to hear about their individual commitments to greener living. This month's challenge was inspired by a friend, Mary Ellen.
Instead of turning the tap on every time you need to water your indoor plants (which, BTW, clean the air in your home!) keep your watering can in your kitchen near the sink. When water isn't being used, pour it in the can. Those who don't drink up their water at dinner can add it to the can. Kids at home?... Get them involved so they understand the importance of water and water conservation.
Challenge yourself this month to NOT turn on the tap for indoor plants.
I have a feeling this will also help remind me to water my only remaining plant and keep it alive!!
Please send me your water saving tips!


Anonymous said...

Earlier this evening I used the water from the kids' bath to water my indoor plants and some plants outside as well.

Anonymous said...

I have always emptied my left over water from water bottles on my plants. I've not yet put a bucket in the shower, while the water heats up to water the plants! That is next!! Sometimes I let the veggetable water cool then water my grass with it!
Michelle, Stittsville

Anonymous said...

Ok as frightened as I am at the thought, I will try it! How much water/vinegar?
PS I've seen Monique's hair and it looked fine.

Steve D'Sa said...

works fine!

Anonymous said...

psst steve, u have no hair how can it work fine