Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Green Halloween

Remember when your Mom made your Halloween costume with stuff you found in your house? Wasn't it fun to see how creative you could be with a little makeup and a raincoat? ( I once dressed up as a fisherman!) Make this Halloween one to remember and make your own costume for yourself or your kids. Here are some ideas to get you going green for the 31st instead of spending green.

* Do a costume swap with friends and their kids.
*Buy your costume at a second hand store. The selection is great and since most costumes are only used once, they're in great condition.
*Be creative and make your own

Don't forget to think of the environment when you decorate. There are plenty of scary things around the house that you can use to frighten away the little goblins when they come a-knockin'.
Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Costumes are my family's favorite part of Halloween. and are wonderful resources for all things green at Halloween and year 'round. If you haven't been there, check them out.


Anonymous said...
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