Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beware the light

I know we do crazy stuff to bribe our kids to do what we want but really, lights in their shoes?? I am a mother of three and my kids know that if the shoes have lights, they are not getting them. Why? Who cares about the lights? I do. At some point, the shoes will be so worn , they will go to landfill. Why then, do we need to add another useless item into the landfill. Millions of tiny light bulbs with tiny batteries will soon be laying in the landfill, most likely seeping out toxins for our great granchildren to enjoy eating in their fish. Not to mention the extra energy and resources it took to make the lights and batteries. I don't think kids really look at their shoes when they are running around anyway!
So, take a moment when making your purchases for your kids. It's O.K. to set some boundaries and explain to them the reason why. I beleive we need to instill in our children the differences between need and want and what the impact is on the earth when we make these choices. If our kids don't grow up to be really green, the planet doesn't stand a chance.

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