Sunday, August 22, 2010

The #1 R is REDUCE

Sure, we all practice the three Rs to be green, but truly the most important is the R for REDUCE. Each time when I find myself in a store with my three children, there are endless cries, " Can I have this???", " I want that", and it goes on until I threaten them that we'll leave the store with nothing. I, too, like to shop and I also must control the impulse to buy the items I "want" to buy. I do try to ask myself if I really NEED this item or do I just want it. That usually helps.
This month try to ask yourself the question, NEED or WANT, can you live without it?? Probably.
Try this one for one month. There will be less stuff in the house, less packaging to dispose of and more money in your wallet. Oh, and the earth will breathe easier.
If you REDUCE, you won't have to REUSE OR RECYCLE!

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